Overview ------------------------------------------------------------ This program (GraceForLife) was written for a local Church to manage members and visitors, and organize information in a meaningful way. This program is free to use, however there is no support supplied by the original author. A modification for PHP to use MySQLi vs MySQL may be updated in the future. Written by winwhatwhere.com 2014. V 1.2 http://www.winwhatwhere.com/GraceForLife/grace_sw.php See attached license regarding usage and liabilites. Main Features: ------------------------------------------------------------ - Member directory (with opting out option) - Member profiles / settings - Member inbox - Family tree for members, such as children - Groups - I.E. Bible study - Attendance records for all groups or worship - Childcare check-in / out system - User privileges - Envelope printing with PDF - Maps with directions to homes Requirements: Access to your web server with FTP or similar. PHP 5, MySQL CRON, optional for sending PM reminders ------------------------------------------------------------ Installation ------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Add a new database and add the database.sql file from install folder Database user privileges required: select, insert, update, delete 2. Edit the config.php file from upload/config.php with your settings. html-first.php and html-second.php are header and footer files that you can customize to the look and feel of a website if you wish. You can edit the logo at stationery/logos/logo1.jpg 3. Upload the contents of the "upload" folder to a new directory of your choice. I.E. ourchurch.org/connect 4. Optional, but recommended: Add a cron to the full URL of the script: Cron_Member_Notifications.php to run once a day. The time you specify is when inbox notifications will be emailed to members. They can adjust the frequency (daily, weekly or monthly) they will receive reminders. You can run a crontab on Apache with the following command: lynx -dump http://www.site.com/Connect/Cron_Member_Notifications.php or you can use a free service such as getcron.com Usage ------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Go to your new directory and login for the first time with the following credentials: Username: replace@example.org Password: password 2. Edit your settings and profile, and change your password at account.php 3. Get customized with the program, add new groups and grow your Church! Adding members: ------------------------------------------------------------ 1. With a CSV spreadsheet: Go to directory/import-reports.php and upload a spreadsheet with member info. If items are unavailable, leave the column blank. Make sure all of the columns match the headers, and delete the header before importing. There is a template in the install folder. 2. Manually: Go to "Manage Users" > "Add". These members will not have a password, so if you wish for your congregation to have access to this platform, you will need to add an email address to their profile so they can request a new password. 3. Or members / visitors can sign up from the signup link under the login box. Staff will need to manually assign new members authentication, as all new members will be assigned with visitor access.